Advancing Team-based Care through Technical Assistance

Advancing Team-based Care through Technical Assistance

The Colorado Health Foundation launched this funding opportunity for safety-net clinics throughout Colorado on February 15, 2020. They contract with JSI, Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF), and Think Equity. All partner teams work seamlessly to support practices to embed...
Lahey Health Community Health Needs Assessment

Lahey Health Community Health Needs Assessment

  Conducted a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for the communities served by the Lahey Health System that manages hospitals, physicians and other health services in northeastern Massachusetts.  Hundreds of individuals from across LHMC/LMCP’s...
CO Team Based Care Initiative

CO Team Based Care Initiative

Team-based care is important to the future of health care. It has shown to improve clinical outcomes, provide better access to care, improve support for complex patients, and reduce provider and staff burnout. In a team-based care approach the care of the patient is...
CO Team Based Care Emerging Leaders Program

CO Team Based Care Emerging Leaders Program

To accelerate the development of talented primary care staff to positively impact their practice organizations and serve as spokespeople and exemplars for others in similar roles, The Colorado Health Foundation funded JSI to provide leadership development in primary...