Lahey Health Community Health Needs Assessment


Conducted a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for the communities served by the Lahey Health System that manages hospitals, physicians and other health services in northeastern Massachusetts. 

Hundreds of individuals from across LHMC/LMCP’s CBSA were engaged in the assessment and planning process, including: 

                • Health and social services providers 
                • Town administrators/elected officials 
                • Public health officials
                • Public school nurses and administrators 
                • Community organizers and advocates/community residents 
                • Beth Israel Lahey Health senior leadership and staff 
                • LHMC/LMCP senior leadership, staff, and board members 

These individuals were invited to provide input through key informant interviews, focus groups, community listening sessions, and a widely distributed Community Health Survey. While it was not possible for this assessment to involve all community stakeholders, LHMC/LMCP made every effort to be as inclusive as possible and to provide a broad range of opportunities for participation over the course of several months.  


Project Timeline: 11/19/2018 – 12/31/2019

Client: Beth Israel Lahey Health

Location: United States, MA



Posted on

February 3, 2020